Frequently Asked Questions

Need help with something on BBPEOPLEJOIN? You have come to the right place! Here you will find help with all aspects of your BBPEOPLEJOIN experience.

Why has my account been deleted?

BBPEOPLEJOIN has 0 tolerance for users who are rude, upload fake pictures, married, use sexual language in their first email, upload nude photos or break our terms of service in any way. Any user caught doing so is deleted. Users who are deleted may not signup to the service again.

How do I create my BBPEOPLEJOIN profile?

To create your free BBPEOPLEJOIN profile, here.

How do I edit my profile?

If you are looking to update details in your BBPEOPLEJOIN profile, change your username or your registration information, please here.

How do I edit my username?

To update your username, go to Edit Profile. Scroll down to the "Username" field at the very bottom of the page, and enter your new username. Then, click "Update Registration" to save your change.

How do I send someone a message?

On the profile of the user you wish to send a message to, to the left or top of the profile page, click Message User Now.

How do I use Chat?

Click on the chat function to initiate communication.

How do I upload an image to my BBPEOPLEJOIN profile?

Click Images on the menu. There, click the green Click to Upload Image button, and select your image.

How can I log in if I've forgotten my username or password?

If you forgot your login credentials, please enter your email address in the forgot password field then click submit.

How do I become an Upgraded Member on BBPEOPLEJOIN?

Becoming an Upgraded Member on BBPEOPLEJOIN unlocks all of our great features, getting your profile the most attention! To become an Upgraded Member on BBPEOPLEJOIN here.

Message is missing

We delete all messages after 30 days. If a user is deleted then all of their messages are removed immediately.

Unblock a user

Use the unblock user.

How do I delete my account?

Use the Delete account feature.

How do I Manage My Upgrade?

Go to My Account.

Does BBPEOPLEJOIN have a mobile app?

We are working on the release. Check back soon.
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